Sunday, June 19, 2011

Sun and Moon Positions in Scorpio and Our Challenge of Transformation

We can look at the time of the quality present in order to better prepare for this moment in time. If you know the quality time we can adjust accordingly and give up unnecessary struggle and resistance to what was. We have the choice to align with the flow of time.

I live in Hawaii and have a very healthy respect for the ocean and tidal power. People break their necks here once in a while or have other, less severe accidents when they do not go with the flow and try to fight their way against the tide and waves. You can learn to respect the flow and learn to dive under the wave or at the right time, or allow you to wear and ride it to shore. Ignorance is no excuse and can be fatal!

and you can even have real fun with it. You can learn how to body surf or surf board and enjoy the rush to take and carry the ocean. It's totally exhilarating, a moment of unity with the divine power and makes you feel really alive in this moment.

can use astrology in a similar manner. If you know astrology well during the present moment you can let the bears and enjoy the ride. You can even use it to get where you want to go. If you synchronize with the universal forces know the time to put the seed into the ground, and when to harvest. There is always the right time to do the right thing. For me, astrology is a special pair of glasses can be used to look into the world to help guide me in my decisions and intentions. It gives me a broader picture and the larger perspective of what is required of me. I enjoy the perspective of an introduction and guidance notes that way.

When I research and write my weekly forecasts enjoys watching the main theme of this week alone crystallizes for me to see. Obviously I'm not commenting on every aspect of planetary going on in the week. Instead allow the crystallization process, and I am always amazed at how it becomes clear that about a week. Last week we had a relationship with a peak of 4 planets in Vagi.Tjedan days before Mercurial activities and communications is headed. And so it goes on this week with the theme of Scorpio. Scorpio energy is not easy for most of us so I thought it deserved more introduction.

Moon Astrology
Scorpio energy has already introduced us to the moon enters Scorpio last Saturday to Tuesday 20th Since the moon is often unconscious motivates our work is useful to follow that position through the zodiac. Moon Astrology provides us with more awareness of the inner promptings, and always changing internal tide emocije.Mjesec moving through the whole circle of the zodiac in one month, the fastest moving planet in astrology look.

When we experience the turbulence of those inner feelings through monthly changes, we can get more compassion for yourself and relax around the constant changes. Often there is nothing much you can do about it except a sense of what is to feel and bring full awareness to it. Only then will we have the opportunity to take the next step forward themselves to better thoughts and feelings.

the Moon in Scorpio
In addition to the position of the moon will have a tendency to see things black or white, to look at the world through the lens of duality, opposites and polarities. We want things our way and need to be in control of those around us. We tend to be controlled, manipulated, and openly aggressive or whatever it takes to get what they think is right. This did not compromise the position of the moon and an interest in another person's position. It is often a time of passionate and righteous action.

, but seasoned with an awareness that could be the start gate and put in a whole new level of existence. If we allow ourselves to see a dark shadowy areas in the U.S., where we only care for ourselves and our prosperity, we recognize and accept those parts of the rejected and become aware of them. Then there is a good opportunity for us to channel those dark energies appropriately for its own sake, and for others in our lives as well.

We live in a world of polarities and opposites like light and darkness, day and night, life and smrti.Yin yang symbol, showing us how light and dark form a complete circle with each balancing the yin yang druge.Dvije never can be separated from each other, they coexist. Let us look deeper at the features of Scorpio.

sign of Scorpio: Phoenix from the ashes (October 23 to November 22)

Scorpio has the depth and charisma
Scorpio is a feminine water sign ruled by Pluto, who manages the eighth House, death and regeneration. Scorpios are strong, intense, complex people with a touch of dark strane.Energija Scorpio symbolizes the stinging tail of Scorpio, which can be used for either positive or negative purposes. People are strongly drawn to the intensity, charisma, mystery and power of Scorpio.

Pluto governs the underworld, and the Scorpions are very keen to discover what lies beneath the surface of things. They do not rest until they have gotten to the bottom of things. They are perfectionists and relentless in their pursuit of their goals.

While they like to dig deep, they love to his true self something hidden and secret. It can be difficult to know what they really are thinking and planning. In addition to the deep, they tend to have good intuition and understanding of people and situations, and what makes them a very good strategist. The relationship Scorpions are fiercely loyal, devoted and protective, but perhaps the possessive and jealous.

the ruler of Scorpio Mars Co.
Before the discovery of Pluto, Mars only attributed to Scorpio. Mars is a fierce warrior in mythology. Mars represents our aggression, our will to succeed, our life force energy, determination, focus, sex drive and creative energy.
Mars and Pluto, they are trying a couple we need for our inner strength, growth and expression. They are not only "bad guys" that we are working hard, but we need their honesty, drive and passion in life. Only when we allow them to remain unconscious we run we can get into trouble. They give us the depth of transformation and rejuvenation needs of our live. The growth of the human need and we feel empty, depressed, stagnant and eventually die if we do not change and grow.

Phoenix: from the ashes
Search for Scorpio is "transformation." I like to think of Scorpio as pluton-like a phoenix rising from the ashes. Scorpios have the ability to profoundly transform yourself and your life through a certain focus on your goals and intuitive understanding. They use the natural cycle of endings and new beginnings to further their goals.

When Pluto transits have in life is often very challenging and turbulent times. We can fail one after the other, "bad" things happen. What helps us is to become more aware of other ways to live the necessary changes to allow deep transformation happened without much resistance, pain and struggle.

The same applies to the Sun in Scorpio brings the overall quality challenge the status quo for all of us. We can expect more waves in politics, power struggles between the parties, and even nations. This will become more prevalent in Saturn moves into Libra next week with a square to Pluto.

Scorpio birthstones are Opal and Herkimer Diamond
In addition to increased awareness, we can support the gemstones that represent the astrological principles and help balance that particular energy in our sustav.Najkorisnije gemstones for Pluto energy Herkimer Diamond and opal. Opals can be very pricy and wonderful friends to have a piece of jewelry, if you have a strong Scorpio and Pluto in karti.Herkimer Diamond also makes beautiful jewelry pieces, and you can only have one in your pocket or use it for meditation.

This is the perfect stone to bring together the opposite poles of the dark and light, yin and yang. In this double-terminated Quartz Crystal piece of advice is charged negative, and another plus. They are in perfect balance with each other. When you put Herkimer Diamond on your body where you have pain that could help it.

Herkimer Diamond: [1]
- Herkimer Diamond is truly one of the birthstones of Libra. Found in Herkimer, New York, is a double terminated crystal so clear, and glow that is named after the most reflective and shiny stones there, Diamond.Pregršt Herkimer Diamonds are great as a real dijamanti.Najčešći material on earth, silicon dioxide, it becomes a sparkling little jewel in the Herkimer Diamond.

The stone grows in small air pockets in the rock matrix of the mother material. It begins as a small seed crystals grow outwards from the center. Some collectors pieces shown are still embedded in a pocket of air in the mother matrix.

This stone is amazing in its beauty, purity, and perfection. Unlike the Diamond, which must be cut and polished to its beauty, Herkimer Diamond is perfect in its natural state and requires no cutting or polishing at all. It is untouched by human hands.

Aura balancing and stabilizing our energy
Herkimer Diamond has a very special place among the gems of exceptional quality. It carries the most beneficial to the heart. Sitting at the heart chakra, which is in the middle of one of the seven, it balances the entire energy system. Therefore, it is able to strengthen our auric field against all types of radiation, including electro smog and negative thought projections. We are constantly the target of radiation in our daily lives, especially in urban areas. It is known that sits in front of the computer for a few hours can reduce our white blood cells, which inevitably affects our zdravlje.Herkimer Diamond in its perfection and a balance between negative and positive points can balance and strengthen our own energy field.

This stone was also strengthens our auric field against the negative emotional or mental projections. I made a lot of Herkimer Diamond pendants for people who work in the treatment of interest to help them stabilize and treat their customers, without picking her neuravnoteženosti.Osjetljiviji're more likely you are to pick up the gap in your outer području.Herkimer Diamond is your ally in maintaining their balance and strength.

Balancing the brain
This stone is also balances the right and left hemispheres of the brain, creative, logical, feminine and masculine side of us. Most of us tend toward one or the Diamond drugoj.Herkimer us balance in the middle between dva.Kreativni mind and logical and scientific mind have improved the quality of each other: the creative mind of the benefits of greater focus and logic and scientific mind to rely on more creative and intuitive resursa.Dvije hemispheres to join forces, resulting in inventions and discoveries beyond the known.

Shakti Carola Navran: astrologer, goldsmith and author


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