Most of skin care products you can buy over the counter or online are pretty cheap. question we must ask ourselves though is affordable skincare any good at all and it does us any good?
Most of these products will contain some kind of preservatives that are known as parabens. The most common ones used Ethylparaben, PROPYLPARABEN and methylparaben. These have been around since 1920 and they are used to prolong the shelf life of cosmetics.
Tried and tested? Well, not really, because as we progress into the third millennium, and preservatives are no longer considered harmless as they were almost a hundred years!
Some pretty alarming discoveries were made about them and they keep on cropping up in the alarms about health. These are mainly chemicals upset our hormonal balance and can be very disruptive to our endocrine system. As if this were not enough, because they can mimic estrogen and are implicated in reproductive cancers in men and women.
the final joke, of course, is that when you pick up your so-called affordable skin care in a local beauty store and look at the ingredients, you're going to find you and many others too numerous to mention.
cruel irony is that when you go for a luxury product for skin care and pay a little luck, you're more than likely to find the same or similar ingredients listed. Now you see why cosmaceutical companies laughing all the way to the bank and frustrated users to roam the malls and the Internet to search for a magic formula.
So, we want to look great and we want safe products, and we do not want to pay arm and leg. Is this possible, you ask?
Well, actually, I have good news in that you can still look great and be healthy just by following my advice. Secret affordable skin care is to find a company that is seriously committed to using only natural organic ingredients and no synthetic, which I mentioned above.
How can I find a serious skin care company?
It is not easy, I give you, but if you look carefully and see if they are logged on to Compact for safe cosmetics, , it jegarancija you find a cutting edge ingredients that are completely safe and skin friendly.
This will include ingredients that can rebuild collagen and maintain our level of hyaluronic acid without synthetics. These products represent the best because they provide and in the end you'll spend less for better results in the long run.
Are you willing to go the extra mile to make it look better than you in years? If you really want, why not click on my website, where I explained everything.
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