There May be a feature of your products and services we take for granted, but are intact and strong buying incentives for their clients.
Just for a second, forget the price, quality and service. Then ask an expert in motivation - a psychologist Abraham Maslow. OK - so I can not really ask him, but you can use his famous pyramid hierarchy needs to uncover those hidden incentives
.The idea is:
on the pyramid you go, the stronger motive. For example, if you were selling the home oxygen tanks, biological appeal - the ability to prolong life - to be stronger than the appeal of security - fire prevention possibilities
.Rapid Needs Review
Here are some examples of specific needs.
Food and water
Stability of
Learning new facts
Expanding your mind
In the search for meaning
Creating beauty
Observing Beauty
Owning a beautiful object
Personal Growth
Developing the talents of
before we go any further, keep in mind that the Maslow pyramid is the original only had five levels. Although Maslow was never officially added more, he said that knowledge and beauty are also strong motivating factors - such revisionists they added. Later, he suggested transcendence as the top of the pyramid.
of the legitimate market lowest Tier
All this goes back to our cave-dwelling ancestors. All that will enable them to stay alive and avoid the danger - for example, thundering dinosaur footprints - grabbed their attention. Everything else is pretty much fluff. So if you want attention, make your strongest marketing appeal of the lowest levels of convincing.
Note that I used the word cogent. Regardless of how the creators of children's toys like to market their products as biological needs, they understand that it would be foolish to try. But that did not stop hoards of other activities from creating trivial products and services and marketing them supplies. tactic is to create a false atmosphere of fear. - If you do not have surge protection, lightening will inevitably strike while you are completing a doctoral dissertation, your computer will fail, and you'll have to start from scratch
Most consumers can see through such claims, many will be offended, and marketing campaigns can create an adverse reaction.
Consider the decades-long funeral industry mantra: If you do not spend thousands of dollars on funeral goods and services, did not care about the deceased. In other words, they tried to move the buying motivations of the beauty of belonging (love). It worked for a time, until the enemy got up consumers.
There is much to be said for honesty - which means that you and your company truly cares about the fulfillment of certain needs that your customers are. It's a pretty good feeling to know that you are making money and improving life at the same time. Think about making a profit as a way of expanding your business, so you can help more people.
<] P] Red you increase thereally think about your offering tiered falls in - you might be surprised. Think for a minute networking. On the surface, it appears as a background activity, but many of the networking capabilities based on getting the biological and affiliation not given.
If your product or service, of course, falls into one of the lower level - to promote the opportunities and advantages that highlight these needs. For example, if you sell power tools, be very specific about the security features and their benefits.
Move Down Tier or two ...
1 Pamper your offering at a lower level
to make changes to your existing offering. Tweak your product at a lower level that is more motivating to customers. Manufacturers of many consumer products such as cars, to add security features -. with the added benefit that the car makes a stronger appeal to the motivational level
Consider the following example.
homebuilder in the highly competitive market created by the development is designed to mimic the classic after the Second World War, a small American town - complete with white picket fences, front porches, gleaming with the Central Park gazebo and town center with small shops. developer even hired director of community events.
While other developers are advertising features, architecture, landscaping and installation (Beauty and respect), this was developed by advertising with the tagline: the number one problem in America is loneliness - to move in a community where you belong (membership ). Tagline is not just a candy ad. Potential buyers were able to drive through the community and see the warm neighborly atmosphere for yourself.
By doing this, he urged the more basic instincts, and thus stronger than beauty, and respect. While other builders are savagely compete for market share, he had a comfortable niche and four years of brisk sales.
2 Create a new offer for the lower levels
Can I create a new product or service, based on the current offer, which reaches consumers in a more basic level? New examples of this are the manufacturers of packaged foods with little or no nutritional value (soft drinks, cookies) that are now adding vitamins and health promotion (biological) benefits.
If you sell pottery, which is line with a blunt tip knife (Security)? What about creating a community of users who use their products (origin)? Membership in the loyalty program is an example. Successful blogs and forums also create a community among the limited number of users.
3rd Creating the impression of lower levels of
Unlike the funeral industry, consider high-end cosmetics. industry has a legitimate claim on the level of beauty, but not in respect of which the market order. Billions of dollars in annual advertising to create the impression that the more one spends on cosmetics, more self-esteem will have one. It works.
However, there are some serious ethical considerations in creating a false sense of urgency for marketing in order to offer not legitimately take.
effect of the overall need of the environment
the end - I'm sure you've noticed that you always have total spending mood. For example, during robust economic times, when the biological and safety needs are satisfied, the company deals in the top five levels to enjoy healthy growth. In less secure times companies that meet the needs of lower levels to perform well. There is not much that your company can do about it, except modify existing products or create new ones.
Look at the offers that you have right now, look at the levels of Maslow's pyramid, and ask yourself where your bids fall. If you are naturally low in the fall of the pyramid, take advantage of it. If not, look for ways to adapt their products and services so that they appeal to more basic needs. Do not forget to market a biological, not logical.
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