There are few things more satisfying to this writer than getting feedback from readers who express appreciation for my offer. I'm not kidding. It was such a joy to hear from people who were inspired by my creations, and to know that in some small way I'm actually helping. It is a thrill.
Just this morning, as I was the morning brew, I got to thinking about this new day and I could do to ensure that I leave a trail. In other words, what can I do today that will improve someone's life, even if only to bring a smile or nudge them over the hump. What can I do to lend some hope? What can I do to encourage someone, anyone, to trust their wings and fly?
Before I go any further, let me first say that I'm not Mother Teresa. I'm not a saint or some kind of selfless angel. In fact, it's taken me years to find a balance between 'nesebične'i' selfish '. I happen to believe that we need to be selfish sometimes. This question is worry about who you are, so you can help people. I am still learning. Certainly there are cases when this balance is shifted, and I do not necessarily what might be considered 'best' for someone else. But then ... I am a man. I do not beat yourself over such things. I am who I am .... I make no apologies for my shortcomings.
That being said, I do not feel that this is one of the greatest pleasures in life to help people and see the results of that effort. Whether writing or sending a post card or have someone scooch in front of me in the grocery line, all those things, give me my sense of humanity. I like that part. I also like when someone, like a woman who sent the message that is beautiful, writes to say thanks. It seems to me a smile from ear to ear and do my little happy dance. What can I say? I'm pretty easy to please.
In any case, so I thought about my day and what to do with it (other than working on my next book, which seems to be taunting me these days) and doing my best to think outside the ol 'proverbial box . I do not think I have to tell you about the box, huh? We all get stuck in them sometimes, whether it's laziness or just lack of energy, it is not uncommon to fall into that dull, boring repetition of "just another day ". The thing is, it is equally easy to get, said routine. All you really need is awareness. Just noticing that you are there is about as much oomph you need to get outta there. It is not difficult. Only alert. So ...
I read the message, and this led me to take inventory of what I'd done so far this month, I offered to help out? What difference did I do? Not only the lives of others, but in my own life? Did I do anything that might have made a better life for themselves and / or for me?
The answer is: Yes. Yes I am. As much as it is May sound egotistical, know that is not where I come from. Taking inventory (so to speak) is essential for the appreciation. How can you be grateful, if you do not know what you have? Not only in material possessions, but in spirit as well. What do you have and what you can give? Since it all boils down to this:
We are here to live life the best that we can live. We are not here to fight, fight, resist, suffer, complain, worry, etc., etc., ad nauseam. We are here to live a joy-filled, fin life and let joy ripples in the world. happier we are, the more we can spread that happiness. The same applies to (alas!) with misery. You know that adage, "misery loves company"? Well, unfortunately, it's true. But so is luck (love company). Think about it. When something terrible happens in your world, you do not want to tell someone? I do not want someone else there to celebrate his victory? Not so much more fun to share good news than to keep it to yourself?
See what I mean? So, just because I'm not Mother Theresa does not mean that they have no great desire to help. And just because I have my own character flaws, does not mean that I do not have the character of the property. We do. So you do. We all have the character of property that may be of great help in the world. The trick is to pay more attention to assets rather than deficiencies. Something that can be a bit more challenging for some people. It's almost a social programming. We are so bombarded with all the "perfect" people (you know ... models and Hollywood beauties who showed down our throats 24 / 7) it is almost impossible to see without noticing our shortcomings. But you know what? Even the most 'beautiful' people who come to us in all its glory paint-brushed with doubts, fears, insecurities and the things they dislike about themselves. Do not think for a second that the perfection we see 'is real. It is NOT. We are real. We are human. (well, at least we have that "human experience" at the moment ... but that's another thought for another day). We are perfectly flawed. Yep. I said it: PERFECT flawed. And that, my friends, is what makes the world such a wonderful place to explore. It is our imperfections that we find our diamonds. These are the things that make a difference in our lives and the lives of others.
Well ... The next time you think you have nothing to offer the world, think again. You have some special things about who you are makes your presence here on planet Earth most memorable thing. Look for it. Respect it. Use it. Because, as my friend Terri always reminds me:
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