Saturday, April 30, 2011

11 Resolutions for Business Growth in 2011

If you're operating budget or your marketing plan looks like it five years ago, two years ago or even last year, there is a problem.

With every advance in technology, with every new social platform and with every shift from the desktop to the cloud, the ways in which people communicate, how your customers make decisions and how your employees work will continue to evolve. To stay ahead in today's marketplace, your business growth strategies and tactics must be developed right along with them.

Here are 11 decisions that you make for your business to achieve success in 2011 and beyond:

Shed your excess baggage.

You'll never get ahead as long as you are the one hindering their progress.

In today's economic climate, the efficiency is the number one rule for survival. The future of business is back, smarter and more responsive. It is time to look at your operating costs and see what can be reduced or eliminated.

Now that technology has made it possible to do business anywhere and at any time, whether you still need to maintain a large physical office and everything that goes into the support and maintenance: utilities, landline telephone systems, servers , furniture, cleaning services, etc.?

Or is it time to consider shedding the office and all its systems obsolete in favor of transitioning to a virtual business model and achieving the benefits of lower costs, increase efficiency, increased employee satisfaction and - most importantly - better profitability?

Even if you are not willing to fully devote themselves to making the virtual leap just yet, there are still many things you can do to ease the burden you carry reoccurring costs.

a great first step is to look to the clouds. Today there are excellent cloud-based solutions for everything from project management to accounting and even CRM. Google Apps alone added more than 60 new business-focused web-based applications in 2010.

These tools are lighter, more flexible and more affordable than their traditional PC-based counterparts, the business run your business more efficiently and cheaper.

from the Basecamp project management for Grasshopper virtual phone system to Skype for voice and video conferencing for Dropbox for online file sharing and synchronization, these systems are designed to promote productivity and facilitate collaboration among your employees, whether they are tethered zakabine work from home or office.

And even if you still can not throw the keys to your office, you can at least reduce their dependence on telephone systems, printers, paper, filing cabinets, on-site data storage and back-up ... The list goes on and on.

Bow to the tribe.

Just ask Digg, Toyota, Apple or the Gap: What the tribe says it can make or break you


What is a tribe? At its core, this is a group that brings together around common goals, interests or needs.

If you want to grow in today's market, you have to identify, lead and become a member of the tribe that are relevant to your business. In addition, its products or services must be shaped around the needs of their members and making their lives better and easier.

Fortunately, the development of social media has stripped away the communication barriers that once divided the company and their tribes. Take advantage of having direct access to your customers and their opinions and include them in your business.

Keep them informed about what you are doing. Ask for honest feedback, not just what you are doing right, but also about what you are doing wrong and how you can do better. By listening and responding, you will strengthen their confidence and earn their continued loyalty.

for the proof of the power tribes, look no further than the Gap's disastrous attempt to launch a new logo in October 2010. According to the company, the logo was intended to highlight the Gap is the transition from "classical American design with modern, sexy, cool." However, in reality, it raises the wrath of their tribes, and caused a wave of embarrassing publicity.

While a simple logo redesign may seem like just a superficial cosmetic changes, when the Gap was the tribe saw his well-known brand icons fall by the wayside, they interpret this as a sign that the company in a traditional style and values ​​will soon follow suit. In response to this violent backlash, Gap quickly scrapped a new logo and the classic blue box again, and in this way, they recovered the confidence and loyalty of his tribe.

to get out of their corporate comfort zone.

In order to engage with their tribes, and refer to them in an authentic way, your company must be a man in every respect.

What does this mean? Think about the qualities that are uniquely human. This includes passion, sincerity and humility, to name just a few.

people take the time to understand and be accessible, responsible and generous with your expertise and help.

People make mistakes, they apologize for those mistakes. Do not be afraid to show the world his shortcomings. Instead, be honest, responsible and reliable.

Taking ownership of the problem is not the same as taking the blame. Your end of the game should not be saving face at any cost, it should be shown that, despite the inevitable mistakes, you always have their clients' best interests at heart


People want to do business with people who truly care about them and understand their needs, not a faceless corporation whose sole concern is the bottom line. When you engage in real, authentic relationships, and create fans who are not only loyal customers and brand evangelists to do your marketing for you.

Do not just be nice, be necessary.

ubiquity of Facebook has turned the act of "liking" in their own unique form of currency. Brands take part in the chase to the "loved" as if the acquisition of that status in and of itself is the culmination of the company-client relationship.

However, competing in this race war that makes it easy to lose sight of the bigger picture. In today's economic climate, customers are not easily part with their hard earned dollars - unless, that is, they simply can not live without you


It'sis time to reconsider your value ,not only in terms of price ,but in terms of what it is that your customers come to depend on you and how you can give and more .

For example, Maytag washer initially might cost more than comparable models from GE or Whirlpool, but their customers also know they can expect a reliable, worry-free service for years to come, which ultimately will save them time, hassle and cost of repair or replacement.

What aspects of your competitive landscape, you can own? Is it service? Is it convenience? It is the reliability?

Make sure you address the needs of your tribe and make their lives better or easier in meaningful ways that nobody else can duplicate. In this way, you'll transform your products or services from a mere commodity indispensable necessities.

Stop treating your website like a brochure.

What separates a superstar from other sites?

It's not pretty pictures and flowery copy.

It's not flashy graphics -. Flash or, for that matter

This is not a video or animation or any other bells and whistles in and of itself.

It is to achieve a proper balance of form and function, design and functionality.

Stop wasting opportunities to grow your business with sites that do not actually perform. It is no longer enough for your web site as it sits on the glass, and brochures to give only the basic ABCs of your company.

Actually, the term "web design" itself is a bit misleading. While your site may be beautiful, but more importantly, it must be useful.

Perhaps there is no better case for this argument than Facebook. Facebook is hardly the best website ever built. However, it serves its purpose well, and it's easy enough to navigate to each of his 10-year-old cousin in his 80-year-old grandmother can use it with relative ease.

People like applications, and for good reason: they are intuitive to use, they are directed to serve a specific purpose


should keep this mentality in mind with regard to the way your website functions. People come to your site for a reason, and they have specific needs that need to be addressed.

When you land on your site, they should not think too much. Instead, point them in the right direction. Your goal should be to provide useful Web-based extension of your company that is available 24 / 7 and gives the path of least resistance for your customers to resources, information and products they seek.

Go organic.

Once upon a time, it is easy to ensure that every time someone asked for types of products and services you offer, that would be in front of them. Every year you want to write a check (although large) for the Yellow Pages and then just sit back and wait for the phone to ring.

But in today's market, when people have questions, want information or need to find a product or service, you flip open the phone book, and not scour the online directories.

Instinctively, they turn to search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing. As a result, these pages are the gatekeepers between you and the prospects that are looking for a solution that you can provide. With more than 16 billion searches performed in November 2010 alone, it is clear how it gets from appearing in the first few results when someone enters the keywords that relate to products or services you offer.

However, unlike the days when the Yellow Pages prevailing in the world, you can not buy your way to prominence in the organic search results page. Instead, they must commit to an ongoing, dedicated to investing time and resources to work their way up through the rankings search using a legitimate, proven search engine optimization tactics.

Although there is no simple or instant way to jump from page 10 to page one, over time, your patience and perseverance will be rewarded with better rankings, more traffic coming to your site, the more potential to see what you have to offer and increased opportunities to convert visitors into buyers.

to be everywhere all the time.

to compete in today's on-demand culture, you must ensure that you have available for its clients on schedule and the platforms of their choice.

No longer people are usually sitting in front of computers, when they seek answers to their questions and problems. With the proliferation of smartphones, and tablets, mobile browsing is the rise.According data from comScore, in October 2010, about 36 percent of mobile subscribers use their devices for web browsing, while 34 percent of downloaded applications and 24 percent access to blogs or social networking sites .

It is critical to make sure that your customers when they are out there, you're in the pocket, and along for the ride. The first step is optimizing your site for mobile websites to ensure that the small screen-friendly and to review the way is pleasant and efficient process. There is nothing more frustrating for their customers than when they were in a hurry and waiting for your picture-saturated web page to load on Android or fight the move drop-down menus on your iPhone.

Simply put, mobile web development is a trend that simply can not afford to ignore any longer. Your customers will not understand or tolerate their failure to keep up and to keep browsing while to find someone who can provide what they want, when and where they want it.

break out of their social bubble.

Social media is about communication and relationships, with the ultimate goal of building and fostering community around your brand. However, to be successful, you must break out of its own brand bubble and allow others to direct the conversation.

Wherever you choose to establish presence - whether that's on your network if you are B2B, Facebook, if you B2C or on Twitter - you must understand that these sites are not just another place to leave your brochures or their personal platform for endless self-promotion.

Instead, think of your social media as an outpost during the party where people can socialize and talk about things they care about. You want an atmosphere to feel like your living room, where everyone is free to pull up a chair and join in the conversation at your leisure. people who gather there to learn about each other and to form relationships based on common interest in your brand and the values ​​they represent.

just like any real-world social environment, the more comfortable you make it, more people will call it home, and they will no longer look forward to coming back again and again.

For example, if you're in the business of selling your own custom-made ​​handbags, your people are the ones who care about fashion and standing out from the crowd. They are people who love to be on the cutting edge of trends and gossip.

So, no need to fuss at her Facebook page that is constantly spinning around the bags. You could just as easily talk about what Natalie Portman wore to the Golden Globes or to discuss the latest episode of America's Next Top Model. As long as the conversation is going on in your living room, this may not be about you.

In contrast, if you put up a Facebook page and do nothing but talk about it, you'll see an empty page quickly.

Stop keeping up with the digital Joneses.

Because the Internet is public domain, suddenly it's easier than ever to keep close tabs on what your competitors are doing. And with it comes the temptation constantly to make sure that you are present anywhere on the web that are.

However, just because you can see what the contestants do not necessarily mean they work well or that their tactic worth imitating.

Just because your competition is on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Flickr, and every other platform in existence, does not mean it should be, too. Just because they have 1000 followers does not mean you're a failure, because you only have a 200th Just because they have a message board on their website does not mean they necessarily should have one as well.

Although it is always good to keep out competitors in sight, do not let that be your focus away from doing what is best for your business. It is far more important to remain laser-focused on their customers and to gain an understanding of where they live and how they prefer to deal with.

to focus their efforts not to step, but the setting itself apart. Carve their own niche in the Web marketing space, create your own identity, something unique to offer their customers and nurture their community devoted followers.

Get out more.

With all the buzz surrounding social networking, do not forget the importance of face-to-face networking.

As one responsible for business growth, you belong to an expansive community of people who are in the same boat. Collectively, these represent an almost limitless pool of knowledge and experience in addressing the challenges of building and growing business. Whether it's colleagues in the related industry or a shopkeeper in the neighborhood, there is a wealth of wisdom and contacts just waiting to be shared.

All too often, however, people treat networking as a stop-gap measure when nothing else works. Networking should not be accessed as an instant fix to the sales pipeline is running dry, but as a long-term investment.

To be successful, you must apply: Be prepared to give generously of their time and expertise, rather than focus solely on what everyone else can do for you <. P>

to build its reputation as a knowledgeable resource, take a genuine interest in helping others succeed, and eventually you will find that opportunities will begin to flow his way.

Turn your resolution into reality.

It's not enough to set goals. You need to develop an action plan for their execution. Otherwise, coal-shoveling tasks required to keep your business running smoothly engine will always dominate your time and attention.

Simply put, you must schedule a time for growth, or all of your good intentions will drown in a sea of ​​wishful thinking.

In reality, you probably can not tackle all 11 of this resolution at once, so decide what is most important for your business and set their priorities accordingly.

break down any big-picture goal in specific, manageable tasks, and establish milestones and data by which to measure its progress.

to set aside some time each week to download and apply a focused effort to achieve your goals. Treat these tasks with the same level of importance as well as meeting with a client or filing your taxes, and do not give them anything to move out ofof their schedule .

Do not fall into the trap of reactionary planning business growth and wait for a crisis of income and cash flow for a serious supporting its competitive position. In today's market, there is no place for targets du jour that the only goal off depending on how the fire burns hottest in the moment.

Establish your goals for the year now, and a firm commitment - to yourself and your employees - that other projects will not be allowed to interfere with their achievement. If things do not work out as planned, do not worry and do not give up. Just adapt and stay focused on your ultimate goal: owning the market


Friday, April 29, 2011

How to Market Based on Needs

There May be a feature of your products and services we take for granted, but are intact and strong buying incentives for their clients.

Just for a second, forget the price, quality and service. Then ask an expert in motivation - a psychologist Abraham Maslow. OK - so I can not really ask him, but you can use his famous pyramid hierarchy needs to uncover those hidden incentives


The idea is:

on the pyramid you go, the stronger motive. For example, if you were selling the home oxygen tanks, biological appeal - the ability to prolong life - to be stronger than the appeal of security - fire prevention possibilities


Rapid Needs Review

Here are some examples of specific needs.

Food and water

Stability of



Learning new facts
Expanding your mind
In the search for meaning

Creating beauty
Observing Beauty
Owning a beautiful object

Personal Growth
Developing the talents of

before we go any further, keep in mind that the Maslow pyramid is the original only had five levels. Although Maslow was never officially added more, he said that knowledge and beauty are also strong motivating factors - such revisionists they added. Later, he suggested transcendence as the top of the pyramid.

of the legitimate market lowest Tier

All this goes back to our cave-dwelling ancestors. All that will enable them to stay alive and avoid the danger - for example, thundering dinosaur footprints - grabbed their attention. Everything else is pretty much fluff. So if you want attention, make your strongest marketing appeal of the lowest levels of convincing.

Note that I used the word cogent. Regardless of how the creators of children's toys like to market their products as biological needs, they understand that it would be foolish to try. But that did not stop hoards of other activities from creating trivial products and services and marketing them supplies. tactic is to create a false atmosphere of fear. - If you do not have surge protection, lightening will inevitably strike while you are completing a doctoral dissertation, your computer will fail, and you'll have to start from scratch

Most consumers can see through such claims, many will be offended, and marketing campaigns can create an adverse reaction.

Consider the decades-long funeral industry mantra: If you do not spend thousands of dollars on funeral goods and services, did not care about the deceased. In other words, they tried to move the buying motivations of the beauty of belonging (love). It worked for a time, until the enemy got up consumers.

There is much to be said for honesty - which means that you and your company truly cares about the fulfillment of certain needs that your customers are. It's a pretty good feeling to know that you are making money and improving life at the same time. Think about making a profit as a way of expanding your business, so you can help more people.

<] P] Red you increase the

really think about your offering tiered falls in - you might be surprised. Think for a minute networking. On the surface, it appears as a background activity, but many of the networking capabilities based on getting the biological and affiliation not given.

If your product or service, of course, falls into one of the lower level - to promote the opportunities and advantages that highlight these needs. For example, if you sell power tools, be very specific about the security features and their benefits.

Move Down Tier or two ...

1 Pamper your offering at a lower level

to make changes to your existing offering. Tweak your product at a lower level that is more motivating to customers. Manufacturers of many consumer products such as cars, to add security features -. with the added benefit that the car makes a stronger appeal to the motivational level

Consider the following example.

homebuilder in the highly competitive market created by the development is designed to mimic the classic after the Second World War, a small American town - complete with white picket fences, front porches, gleaming with the Central Park gazebo and town center with small shops. developer even hired director of community events.

While other developers are advertising features, architecture, landscaping and installation (Beauty and respect), this was developed by advertising with the tagline: the number one problem in America is loneliness - to move in a community where you belong (membership ). Tagline is not just a candy ad. Potential buyers were able to drive through the community and see the warm neighborly atmosphere for yourself.

By doing this, he urged the more basic instincts, and thus stronger than beauty, and respect. While other builders are savagely compete for market share, he had a comfortable niche and four years of brisk sales.

2 Create a new offer for the lower levels

Can I create a new product or service, based on the current offer, which reaches consumers in a more basic level? New examples of this are the manufacturers of packaged foods with little or no nutritional value (soft drinks, cookies) that are now adding vitamins and health promotion (biological) benefits.

If you sell pottery, which is line with a blunt tip knife (Security)? What about creating a community of users who use their products (origin)? Membership in the loyalty program is an example. Successful blogs and forums also create a community among the limited number of users.
3rd Creating the impression of lower levels of

Unlike the funeral industry, consider high-end cosmetics. industry has a legitimate claim on the level of beauty, but not in respect of which the market order. Billions of dollars in annual advertising to create the impression that the more one spends on cosmetics, more self-esteem will have one. It works.

However, there are some serious ethical considerations in creating a false sense of urgency for marketing in order to offer not legitimately take.

effect of the overall need of the environment

the end - I'm sure you've noticed that you always have total spending mood. For example, during robust economic times, when the biological and safety needs are satisfied, the company deals in the top five levels to enjoy healthy growth. In less secure times companies that meet the needs of lower levels to perform well. There is not much that your company can do about it, except modify existing products or create new ones.

Look at the offers that you have right now, look at the levels of Maslow's pyramid, and ask yourself where your bids fall. If you are naturally low in the fall of the pyramid, take advantage of it. If not, look for ways to adapt their products and services so that they appeal to more basic needs. Do not forget to market a biological, not logical.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Flirting Tips For Men - Just Steal Those Hearts

Flirting is quite natural for most men. This is actually the basic nature of matter in all human communication. It is basically a part of the human race necessary for social entertainment. Most men are attracted to women who flirt. It helps them to know each other better, and finally ask her for a date. There are many who just do it for the sake of entertainment. Flirting with women is pretty easy, because they usually take in a positive way. They like to be pampered, admired and respected. The best flirting tips for men is to start with the most comments, for example, tells a woman she is smart, beautiful, intelligent, etc. Flirting with a woman usually begins with the most common things and then it gets deeper, if you ask the man in the relationship.

Men who do not value this valuable advice generally end up doing a lot of unwanted errors. If a man knows deep in his heart that he is not interested in a woman, he must follow a different approach to flirt. Flirting with women requires different approaches, depending on the type of relationship one has to continue and maintain. One should watch their behavior if you do not want to do the job another friend with benefits. Flirting with a woman may lead to different things. people can flirt with a woman for just a light touch to spice up a friendly kind of relationship that both of them share. Incomplete flirting with a woman can be interpreted as hatred. Therefore, one should always be careful about their actions, because one can never know what is inside a woman's heart.

What happens when people usually notice some chemistry between him and his wife? Most people know the perfect answer. Most of them will go straight and to express their love for the girl. This technique only works for some people and not for most guys. Not much, but very few women curb this unexpected declaration of man. True love takes a while to feed themselves, but the fascination is eager to let true love take its course. Flirting with a woman before the expression of love will help man a lot in deciding whether he feels the same way too for that person. Usually, flirting with women given different results.

There are situations when a man flirts, and the answer given makes a woman feel uncomfortable. That is why it is important to study guides to flirting tips for men. Such a situation makes one shy away from approaching a woman and it will settle for less. It always feels great to live with a woman a dream. It was a great success with men. If a person gets a lot of experience of flirting with women, then it's time to encounter the woman he would die, that man will be well equipped with all the advice.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Hands Treatment: How to Keep Your Hands Young

It is said in "Gone with the Wind" movie that you can always tell a lady with your hands. Indeed, the best way to tell age of a woman to have a look at the neck or arms. The neck can be covered, but the hands still show most of the time, so make them look good you will need to take good care of them. And, more importantly, this it should become your habits.

the easiest way to tell the condition of your hands to pull the skin on the back of the hand with two fingers. If the skin returns to its original position quickly, it means that her condition was not good enough. If, however, the skin needs time to straighten the back (more than others), it means that your hands have been neglected for a time.

Whether you want to preserve the beauty of your skin hands, or they want to look better than you are, you will need to develop some useful and enjoyable habit. Let's have a look at them now.


the habit of wearing gloves will save time and money. There are three main types of gloves that you must have:

1) rubber gloves
This simple, inexpensive thing to keep your hands from hot water and all kinds of household chemicals. It takes a few seconds to put on rubber gloves, but it will take weeks to remove wrinkles and make your skin soft hands and tender once again, let alone nails. So that the rule of wearing rubber gloves every time you wash, clean or polish something.

2) Regular gloves
Regular gloves they wear out, which was made ​​of leather, cloth or fabric. Cold air and rain does not make your hand was good, so that some couples gloves for different weather conditions. colder it is at home, thicker and warmer, your glove should be. Start by wearing them as early as possible, even if only a little cool on the street. If you think your hands will be too hot in the gloves, try to get thinner pair. In addition to keeping your skin safe these gloves will also give some additional germs and dirt protection.

3) Special beauty glove
They are somewhat exotic, but a pair of these gloves will be a great help in recovering your hands skin. First you have to put some healing cream, balm or oil on your hands and then put on the gloves - they will prevent the cream from drying out, so its impact will stay longer. Moreover, cosmetic gloves will keep your hands warm, thus keeping the skin pores open. You will not be able to do much when wearing these types of gloves, so it is better to wear them when sleeping.


Wearing gloves is not enough to get your hands or keep the skin soft and young. The following item will be the task of hand cream - ideally, 3 type, as well as to


1) Joint moisturizer
Apply it on hands after any contact with water, you take a shower or just wash your hands. Water, no matter how cool and good, always wash the skin of essential fats, which leads straight to hit the skin and wrinkles. This cream is used quite often, so you May want to buy a large jar, and it is not necessary to choose the most expensive one for this purpose.

2) Cold Weather Cream
Unless you live in a place that knows no autumn or winter, you'll need a good cold weather hand cream, which is good - it's the best friend of warm winter gloves. Apply it on your hands for 30-40 minutes before sunrise, so that your skin can fully absorb.

3) Treatment of cream or oil
This type of cream is needed to get your hands recover from all the routine activities and become less vulnerable to future impacts. As you use this cream (or oil) too often - once or twice a week is fine - you can get yourself a small jar of it, but choose a better place. It is better to apply when you go to sleep, so it can have its full effect.


After a week you should treat your hands with a special cosmetic masks. It is up to you to decide which cover to choose from, depending on your personal preferences. Today you can find a moisturizing, cooling, healing, skin lightening and many other hand mask. Choose a day and apply a mask to leave your hands soft, young and beautiful.

treatment arms is not a one thing, it is a complex habit that you enter. before you start to take care of your hands, longer stays in good condition, and before all these actions will become natural for you - they will need some dedication and hard work just beginning. The time you spend at the hands of the treatment will not go wasted - it will be a good investment in your beauty, and the results will be worth it safe


Sunday, April 24, 2011

Understanding the Fear Process in a Panic Attack

When the fear goes beyond rational thought, our bodies become susceptible to panic attacks. Not so long ago, I had let my fears overcome rational thinking process. If you suffer from panic attacks, I know you're going through hell. Maybe you feel like no one around you understands. I'm here to tell you that I understand, because I felt fear, pain, loneliness and panic attacks bring. I know how it feels to feel like you're completely alone.

To understand how to overcome panic, you have to understand a little about the mechanisms of our inner fears. We are born with certain attributes to ensure our survival. ability to fear is really useful for us when used properly.

For example, several thousand years ago, when our ancestors came across a lion or tiger, they instinctively know to run or hide as quickly as possible to avoid eating alive! It is this kind of fear that insured that human beings are still around today. Without fear, we may have been extinct long ago.

I still do not, and always will be the ability to fear in the right situations to ensure our survival. However, today, in our culture, that instinct to run or hide commonly used in our subconscious mind is inappropriate in situations where it is not necessary.

To give you a brief example of how your brain controls your fear response, imagine for a minute you're walking alone in the wilderness, enjoying the beauties of our great country. Then suddenly, up ahead, you see the brush move pretty hard. You freeze. No matter what they thought two seconds prior to disposal. part of the fear response from your brain takes over as the possible threat up front.

Your heart is pounding so loud that you can feel it in the chest. These palms are perhaps beginning to sweat. Your brain only seconds to decide, to run from the fight or what is up ahead. Then suddenly you see a little bunny hop out of the brush and makes his way in the other direction. You heart immediately begins to return to normal as you breathe a sigh of relief.

But wait a minute. You never saw a real threat does not it? You saw the brush moving, but not a threat. Why not assume that he was a little rabbit and remain calm? Your instinct in action taken for their own good. Your fear response mechanism for taking care of you. There was never a real threat, but your body behaves as if the threat is about to develop, it will help you survive.

Let's get back to reality and place our self in the second example. You're in the supermarket standing in line. These are the people in front of you and the people behind you. You can not go anywhere. You feel trapped. You start to feel like you can not breath, you start getting worried that you may have about how to have a medical emergency, before all these strangers. What if I pass out? Now you may notice your heart beating hard in the chest. It begins to scare you even more. Your palms are sweating. You have a panic attack.

You might go to the ER doctor, or just to make sure you're okay. They tell you that they can find nothing wrong with you. They give you the recipe for a highly addictive drug and tell you to see your doctor. Or maybe you think you can live with the fear, if you can avoid this type of situation in future.

Anyway, you're still left wondering what happened. You did not ask for it right? It had just come from nowhere, right? Or did it? Remember that our fear mechanism initiated what our brain perceives to be dangerous. The key word here is "perceived. " As they stood there in line, your subconscious began the process that led to panic attacks. That's right. This is not something that you attacked. Due to the actions of your subconscious mind, your body is doing its inner instinctive reaction to fear. There was never any danger that wrong. But you conditioned your subconscious mind to think that there is a danger.

How to scare drew

Now, let's be it the next day. Everything you thought about how frightening your trip to the supermarket the previous day. At this stage, you're teaching your subconscious mind to keep a watch for this sort of thing in the future, so it does not hurt. Although you were not in danger, you somehow feel you do not want that to happen again at any cost. So, what do you do now? You can start by avoiding the supermarket, of course. Anyway, is it the place that caused the panic attack?

Ok. But almost everyone has to go to the supermarket at one point or another. Maybe you can go when nobody else is wrong, maybe late at night. See what's going on here? Fear begins to control you. Let's fast forward a few days. You're sitting in traffic. You still have that lump in the throat of the frightening experience of supermarkets. Then the thought crosses your mind, "What if it happened here in traffic ".

before you know it, your heart is racing, your palms are sweating and you're terrified once again that you may be able to die there in traffic, or you can go in your car. You might be thinking: "Who will save me?" or "Am I mad? What is happening to me?" Now you're in the middle of another full-blown panic attack. This way you are more devastated than before. You May feel like you lost control of himself.

You May feel that your family and friends will think you're crazy. You May feel lonely and depressed. You definitely feel the fear, because I do not know what the result will be. You do not want to become one of those people who are addicted to prescription drugs. But you also can not imagine living a normal life and experiencing this kind of fear at any time. You just want your life back, like it was a panic attack.

You May feel that there is a chance that can never be normal again. But you will. You can learn how to permanently eliminate the fear.

I've always wanted to know the most during my period of suffering, if I would ever feel normal, or my old self again. I can say without a doubt, the answer is YES.

I know that some days I can not bear to get out of bed because you're afraid of what fear is in store for you this day. You May feel like driving to the hospital ER and just waiting for the next to strike.

Your friends and family can provide little or no support. They May, in fact even make things worse that you're driving in a shell to hide his fear and pain, even embarrassment.

To understand what a man goes when experiencing panic attacks, one has to experience panic attacks. As you know, nobody else has a clue that you are living with fear when experiencing this kind of trouble, unless they've been there. It's your own personal journey through hell.

However, once you understand your fear of the process I described above and take the necessary steps to correct it, you will be well on your way to recovery.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

How NOT To Groom Your Dog

We have a beautiful gentle natured dog that I adopted 8 years ago. Unfortunately, it was a little neglected and was very shy when I brought her home. She had previously belonged to someone who lived nearby and I spent the last few months, she had food and fresh water so we were already well acquainted.

Meisha her name, and I'd say she's a cross between a collie and husky. It is a nice blend of gray and white with little black mixed in. Until a couple of summers ago I had always took her in to be groomed and trimmed, but I forgot to make an appointment for her at one time, and the next thing I knew she groomer was booked for the next few months.

Well my sister in law and I decided instead of looking for another groomer I would just take care of it yourself. No big deal. We had decided that it was so damn hot and she always throws so bad that we really should trim her and make her more comfortable.

I have not had any dog grooming clippers, but my neighbor has them and they volunteered for the task. My first clue that it might not be a good idea was that, although my neighbor is still scissors and their dog to the groomers for a trim. Why I do not think to ask why they did it when the perfect pair of big hedge at home.

We got out the clippers and they were really going to town, poor Meisha was not impressed, but it really was not too difficult to handle. We were feeling pretty proud of our results, but as a start we got going we realized it was not going to be a quick job. To get everything done and looking great it was going to take some time, and we wondered just how long is that Meisha good naturedly going to cooperate with all this, when disaster struck.

As it happened I do not know, and I'm not sure how we did not notice, but the guard came down with the clippers and before you know it my poor dog, and vice versa Mohawk, which was extremely short. We did not get her skin or anything, but we definitely had decorated her much, much less that we desired.

Of course, at that time a neighbor came out, the children came to see what happens, and my brother stopped. Everyone just looked at this poor dog who was only halfway trimmed anyway, but she also had this very short strip right down the middle of the back.

to top it all off Meisha decided she had enough and took off in the back yard to lie in the shade of peach.

My daughter is afflicted with what we have done and my brother and my neighbor could not stop laughing. Now my sister-in-law, and I do not think it was so funny. After all, we had half a sleek dog that is now thoroughly tired of our benevolent efforts and to top it off she was almost bald strip down the middle of the back.

We decided it was time for professional groomers and started calling. I finally found one that could take her the next day, I had told her that he was unhappy with the clippers and she was too short in some areas, and only halfway trimmed in others. I did not volunteer that I am because of all these problems, but I did not blame him for anyone else either. I just kind of left it up in the air.

So the next day I took her in what looked to what someone has done a horrible job, and they could not believe that someone was foolish enough not to have secured or guardian at least I noticed immediately when fell off. They have these comments before I could say anything, and volunteers that I was that my dog ​​has gotten into this trouble.

A groomer made ​​a comment that I hope will never allow a person to have done close to your dog with the clippers again, and I just commented that I did not think I will ever have that problem again. I knew I would not, because I was sure that I really will never forget how to re-appointment and attempt this myself.

Meisha I left and returned to her later and she looked really great, except for that darn tape on the back. They gave me instructions that I should probably put sunscreen on my back for a week or two until they grow a little longer. Of course I brought my then 4 year old daughter with me to pick Meisha and as children they often do tubes with the comments we would prefer left unsaid. I think her comment was that after having seen what I did to Meisha she was no longer going to let me trim her bangs anymore.

, of course, resulted in dead silence, and I felt I had to make my apologies. It is all finished laughing (at my expense) and a promise that next year I should let them that I was Meisha is "mom" and they will let me off in no problem.

So, the moral of this story if you want to reduce your dog, go for it, but do not let the guard drop off the trimmer, and not notice! You may also want to read the instructions that come with it too, just to make sure the guard is secured!

There are some great trimmers out there and I was contemplating getting one and trying again, but then I happened to run across a picture of what happened a few years ago. Instead I picked up the phone and called the groomer for the appointment that she trimmed in months. I decided I do not want to take any chances of not getting in before it got really hot. I swear that my dog looked at me thankfully after I hung up, and my daughter still will not let me trim her bangs!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Perfect Flaws

There are few things more satisfying to this writer than getting feedback from readers who express appreciation for my offer. I'm not kidding. It was such a joy to hear from people who were inspired by my creations, and to know that in some small way I'm actually helping. It is a thrill.

Just this morning, as I was the morning brew, I got to thinking about this new day and I could do to ensure that I leave a trail. In other words, what can I do today that will improve someone's life, even if only to bring a smile or nudge them over the hump. What can I do to lend some hope? What can I do to encourage someone, anyone, to trust their wings and fly?

Before I go any further, let me first say that I'm not Mother Teresa. I'm not a saint or some kind of selfless angel. In fact, it's taken me years to find a balance between 'nesebične'i' selfish '. I happen to believe that we need to be selfish sometimes. This question is worry about who you are, so you can help people. I am still learning. Certainly there are cases when this balance is shifted, and I do not necessarily what might be considered 'best' for someone else. But then ... I am a man. I do not beat yourself over such things. I am who I am .... I make no apologies for my shortcomings.

That being said, I do not feel that this is one of the greatest pleasures in life to help people and see the results of that effort. Whether writing or sending a post card or have someone scooch in front of me in the grocery line, all those things, give me my sense of humanity. I like that part. I also like when someone, like a woman who sent the message that is beautiful, writes to say thanks. It seems to me a smile from ear to ear and do my little happy dance. What can I say? I'm pretty easy to please.

In any case, so I thought about my day and what to do with it (other than working on my next book, which seems to be taunting me these days) and doing my best to think outside the ol 'proverbial box . I do not think I have to tell you about the box, huh? We all get stuck in them sometimes, whether it's laziness or just lack of energy, it is not uncommon to fall into that dull, boring repetition of "just another day ". The thing is, it is equally easy to get, said routine. All you really need is awareness. Just noticing that you are there is about as much oomph you need to get outta there. It is not difficult. Only alert. So ...

I read the message, and this led me to take inventory of what I'd done so far this month, I offered to help out? What difference did I do? Not only the lives of others, but in my own life? Did I do anything that might have made ​​a better life for themselves and / or for me?

The answer is: Yes. Yes I am. As much as it is May sound egotistical, know that is not where I come from. Taking inventory (so to speak) is essential for the appreciation. How can you be grateful, if you do not know what you have? Not only in material possessions, but in spirit as well. What do you have and what you can give? Since it all boils down to this:

We are here to live life the best that we can live. We are not here to fight, fight, resist, suffer, complain, worry, etc., etc., ad nauseam. We are here to live a joy-filled, fin life and let joy ripples in the world. happier we are, the more we can spread that happiness. The same applies to (alas!) with misery. You know that adage, "misery loves company"? Well, unfortunately, it's true. But so is luck (love company). Think about it. When something terrible happens in your world, you do not want to tell someone? I do not want someone else there to celebrate his victory? Not so much more fun to share good news than to keep it to yourself?

See what I mean? So, just because I'm not Mother Theresa does not mean that they have no great desire to help. And just because I have my own character flaws, does not mean that I do not have the character of the property. We do. So you do. We all have the character of property that may be of great help in the world. The trick is to pay more attention to assets rather than deficiencies. Something that can be a bit more challenging for some people. It's almost a social programming. We are so bombarded with all the "perfect" people (you know ... models and Hollywood beauties who showed down our throats 24 / 7) it is almost impossible to see without noticing our shortcomings. But you know what? Even the most 'beautiful' people who come to us in all its glory paint-brushed with doubts, fears, insecurities and the things they dislike about themselves. Do not think for a second that the perfection we see 'is real. It is NOT. We are real. We are human. (well, at least we have that "human experience" at the moment ... but that's another thought for another day). We are perfectly flawed. Yep. I said it: PERFECT flawed. And that, my friends, is what makes the world such a wonderful place to explore. It is our imperfections that we find our diamonds. These are the things that make a difference in our lives and the lives of others.

Well ... The next time you think you have nothing to offer the world, think again. You have some special things about who you are makes your presence here on planet Earth most memorable thing. Look for it. Respect it. Use it. Because, as my friend Terri always reminds me:


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Genuine Oil Paintings

The original oil paintings are the perfect and affordable way to enhance the beauty of your home. They come in all shapes and sizes and are very unique. They were also painted on different types of materials such as cardboard or cloth. These are also the real oil on canvas which is usually cost millions of dollars. We're talking photos of some of the most famous painters in history. However, you can have a true picture of oil without paying millions for them. There are a lot of artists out there today that produce these real oil on canvas and sell them for pennies compared to what some of the most famous works are sold for. What's great about this oil on canvas is the fact that only those like them are the ones that have been copied. However, no one can paint just as a duplicate original.

You even have the option of professional photos of his oil paintings the way you want. This allows you to have your own gallery of original oil paintings based on his own thoughts and feelings. This is also a very affordable way to get a real oil painting in his possession. It sure beats buying the originals, which can cost you a fortune if you do not have to spend a fortune. Then again, after an original oil paintings that are created by other great minds can be a treasure.

taking care of your oil on canvas

Believe it or not, the real oil on canvas should be cleaned after so long. They may become covered with dust. If your oil painting is old, then you need to May are the professionals who care for cleaning. If your real oil paintings are very old and not something that is worth a significant amount of money, then you might be able to take on the task itself. Just make sure that the paint in good condition. If the paint is old, then all you need do is place a liquid security that solve this problem. Try not to apply to anything else, because that could actually remove the paint.

If the problem is only dust, and then, after making sure that the paint is cracked or peeling, take something like a dry toothbrush with soft bristles or a shaving cream brush to remove dust. If you find that the image is instantly dirty, you may need to use a mild detergent. The water should be moist water because the oil is not going to like contact with water.

a modern miracle

While oil paintings have been around for a very long time, it still remains the most popular form of art. Genuine oil paintings are always products because their durability and their beauty continues to mesmerize even the most novice art enthusiasts. They are the perfect accessory to adorn your home.

Cindy Crawford Meaningful Beauty Review

Millions of cosmetic products available today, and it's really difficult to choose what really gives the results promised. Many have tried lots of rejuvenating and anti-aging creams, but they failed to see great results. As consumers we want to be satisfied with the products we buy because we seek solutions to our problems. Many are even willing to spend too much money to improve how they look or how to keep your youthful skin. For help in finding here is the view of one of the lines of beauty products.

Cindy Crawford Meaningful Beauty is a beauty product line of a famous model Cindy Crawford. When she stopped modeling, it is investing in the cosmetics industry with her business partner, Guthy-Renker. It all began when she discovered anti-aging cream and decided to get a line of products in the United States to introduce a product to millions of women in their country. With the help of Dr. Sebagh, the one who discovered the rare superoxide dismutase extract from the French Melon, Cindy pursued her efforts on this job. After 15 years of dedicated research, Dr. Sebagh finally developed a product in its stability. This innovative extract contains an enzyme co-lipoic acid, Q10, and other minerals that help reduce wrinkles and restore youthful skin appearance. He found that this antioxidant extracted from French melons would be great for a meaningful Beauty beauty products as the core ingredient of their formula.

Cindy Crawford Meaningful Beauty covers the seven steps of the beauty and skin care regimen that is specifically made ​​to correct the premature aging and promote a glowing and youthful skin. regime includes skin softening cleansing, moisturizer day night liquid around the liquid, cream, neck cream, masks and glowing serum.

According to a recent circulating online, many users of these products have seen a huge improvement on their skin tone. They said that they were really fine lines less. However, some people have complained about the seven-step regimen. They've said that those who have problems after treatment, so the results achieved are not really wanted.

But regardless of the cosmetic products you love, you must carefully choose the one that best suits your skin. Make sure you have an allergy to any of its ingredients in order to avoid irritation and other adverse effects. First you need to know is what type of skin you have, so you can choose the best cosmetics for your skin type.

Monday, April 18, 2011

The Different Possible Uses For Cast Iron Umbrella Stands

cast iron umbrella stand is a great feature to add to your bedroom. There is nothing quite like waking up to a vase of fresh flowers to put you in a great mood for the day. If you do not like flowers maybe because you're allergic, you can still use one of these stands as a beautiful decoration in your room.

It is amazing how versatile the piece. Some of them are so beautiful that it would be a shame to leave them in a corner of the lobby in the shade umbrellas were holding. If you are lucky to have a fireplace in the living room may have already invested in a cast iron fire surround. Many of these complex works are based or the Victorian era when the carvings of birds, love the imagery and other natural objects are very modern or Art Nouveau period when everything was so beautifully decorated.

decorating your home and garden is a matter of personal taste, but it helps when you keep in style with a design of your home. If you live in a period house, you expect to find period features inside and out. cast iron umbrella stand in the lobby sets the tone as it does to a garden, if you invest in an iron garden furniture.

No matter where in your home you will find these pieces of iron, you must take care to look after them. As they are made ​​of metal are liable to rust and will need to be protected against rust agent every so often. May they also need repainting every four or five years, depending on their location. If you plan on using the umbrella of cast iron in the kitchen or bathroom wrought iron alternative may be a better choice.

Florence - The Galleria Dell Accademia and Michelangelo's David

Another deep and wonderful moment in my life was to look at David, the colossal statues of pure perfection and proportion, without doubt, the beauty! Actually, it's pretty humbling to stand before the other Michelangelo masterpiece and be moved to the spiritual, so intellectually, artistically so. I've waited 18 years since his student days of attendance of art history and writing my final paper in this magnificent part of the sculpture, to see David and now we were just moments away. My heart was pounding! After a morning city tour of Florence, we made our way to the Accademia Gallery to see Michelangelo's David. We entered the museum and immediately in front of you, the end of a long corridor flanked by giant sculptures unfinished, more on those later, David, rising boldly above the crowd of tourists who were on honey bees around the base of the pedestal.

sculpture stands in the court room designed and built specifically to house the statue until 1873, stood in the Piazza della Signoria, Palazzo Vecchio van. Due to wear and erosion, the city of Florence and David moved here in 1910, the replica is placed on the table, where David was standing more than 300 years. After completing his famous "Pieta" in Rome in 1499, is discussed in my article about Rome, Michelangelo finished David in 1504, aged 29 and 8 September of the same year, was presented the city of Florence. From what began as a 18 foot block of marble rejected because of another sculptor who thought that the stone is damaged beyond repair, Michelangelo saw the piece as an opportunity to get rid of David from his prison of stone. The statue was originally intended to be one of twelve of the Old Testament sculptures sit on top of the Duomo or Santa Maria del Fiore, however, the final resting place will be outside the Palazzo Vecchio and the town board to decide which included Leonardo da Vinci and Sandro Botticelli.

Can you imagine surrounded by a proliferation of creative genius in Florence at this time? Like many of the sights I saw during my trip so far, this took my breath away again. a giant statue of a giant ready to stand and rising 17 meters. To see the chiseled body rendered in such beauty, such an incredibly subtle and realistic detail is beyond words. Michelangelo captures the moment when David first laid eyes on his enemy, and mounting tension in his neck outstretched, he reaches into his slingshot to slay the mighty Goliath. Carefully muscles, the veins in his hands, the total mercy of his physique. Indeed, there is a sculpture before or after, never surpassed David. It is inconceivable that it was once thought worthless piece of marble. This statue is actually one of three of David, which is located in Florence.

There is a replica of the Piazza della Signoria, which I mentioned above, while the other stands high on a hilltop in Oltrarno, on the other side of Arno, in the Piazzale Michelangelo. On its approach to David, and go through the hallway house "unfinished" sculptures that Michelangelo completed in the latter part of his life. Faded in comparison, but still can not ignore, and "prisoners" or "slaves" or "non-finito" sculpture was originally intended for the tomb of Pope Julius II. However, some scientists believe that Michelangelo intended to leave them unfinished, and today, it was discussed to the point of exhaustion. In any case, you really get a sense of extraordinary amount of work that goes into sculpting.

If you look closely at these, you can see the marks left by different sculptural tools that the time "freed these prisoners out of their graves" of marble as Michelangelo often liked to put it. After Michelangelo's death, images obtained Cosimo I who were placed in the Boboli Gardens at Pitti Palace, where they stood until the 1909th As you tour the rest of the Accademia, you will find more paintings, sculptures, musical instruments to name a few, but there is nothing in the world like a mighty David and only one artist whose hand, guided by a great gift bestowed upon him, he could create a It belongs to the hand, of course, Michelangelo! This is absolutely one museum that should be on all travel itineraries when visiting Florence. Make sure to get your museum tickets in advance to avoid the extremely long queues.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Basic Design Concepts For Custom Brochure Printing

Custom brochure printing is like any kind of printed documents. There are certain design elements and conventions should be followed for proper and effective brochure printing design. Although most of these rules are only basic and rudimentary art and design concepts, they are still important as a basis for their appearance, even if you plan on breaking all the rules of design. These fundamental concepts for custom brochure printing design keeps her down to earth and handling, avoiding any kind of design errors that may arise. To help you learn the design concepts, the following quick guide to the four main things you need to know.

the invisible margins - First, do not forget that the invisible border. Especially in the printing of brochures, where there are many pine species, the invisible margins to maintain its own brochure designs well into their proper places. Without this invisible border, some of its design elements could get caught in the fold or get too close to the edge of the paper. If it ever happens to your custom design brochures, more often than not people will think the brochure is ugly. Unrealized margins of the booklet can quickly make your brochures look unprofessional reduce any kind of success that you May experience with your brochure. So always keep those margins up.

the proper ratio of design - Furthermore, never forget to bring proper ratio design for your brochure. The proper design of the ratio is called the "Rule of Thirds". This fundamental principle is basically the art involves dividing your creative space into three distinct parts. Vertical'll have top, middle and bottom, you will have a horizontal left, center and right. To use the design ratio of correctly, you'll want all your critical elements within the booklet between the top center and center-left. This is where most people focus their attention. The concept is a subtle effect, but has a profound impact on the overall look of the brochure and its board.

the appropriate text and background colors - Also, you will need to manage your own text and background in an appropriate manner. One of the worst things that can happen in your own design for text and background of the conflict. Ideally you'll want to have light-colored background with dark text. This contrast makes it easy for people in the eye for reading. There has been some success in inversing colors, so you can have a piece of text and a dark background, but it must be done with greater care about color choices.

aesthetics and functionality - Finally, you must achieve a balance between aesthetics and functionality. Some designers can get carried away and create a very detailed and unusual design that makes a nice brochure, but useless as an information medium. While other designers may be the cold water and functional boring brochure. You have to achieve a balance of these things aside equal shares design elements and text information. It keeps the very purpose of your brochure making it an effective medium.

Well, they are design concepts that you need to know for a custom brochure printing. Use them all the time and you'll never go wrong with their appearance.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Tips in Achieving Inner Peace

inner peace or peace of mind is a condition in which a person is mentally and spiritually at peace, despite facing conflict or stress either at home or at work. The challenges they face in society today have become so complex that everyone is trying to achieve inner peace. Through prayer, meditation, yoga or Tai Chi, people find it important to achieve a state of awareness and enlightenment to be able to cope with today's tough times. Although difficult, it is possible to increase the peace with these simple but effective ways.

Quiet time

a person should take the time to rest often, meditate and pray. With all the demands at work and at home, it is inevitable that stress can wear out the spirit. Take the time to sit quietly in a comfortable place to unwind, relax, free your mind from stress and worries and meditate. If possible, take naps. Meditation is very important when you feel your mind driving you crazy. Even for just 20 minutes of clearing the mind of everything and focus on the gap, it can bring so much peace in your mind.


there is no hurry to do everything at once. Simplify doing the first 3 important tasks at hand. One is to limit what he can do in one day than trying to do everything and ends up doing nothing.

Focus on today

thoughts and make the most of today. It makes no sense to think about what happened or what will happen. the past is something to learn from that future will take care of themselves. A lot of people worry too much tomorrow that they are trying to over-achieve what they can do today. In the process, they overlook important things such as bonding time with your family and friends.


It just means accepting what life throws your way. Flowing with the tide seems easier than swimming against the tide. That does not mean that they gave up, but accept the inevitable makes your mind free from the hold of problems can do for you. It helps the mind to think clearly. You can focus your energy on what you want andyou must to take appropriate action .


Forgiveness means releasing the past. It is very important, because if you do not forgive the person who wronged you, your thoughts will go back to what the person who always causes immense inner turmoil. Forgive himself relieved from the person, act and agony.

Be happy, stay happy

Happiness is a choice. person should not bank their luck to another person. At the time that his happiness depends on others, you will be disappointed. Do things that make you happy. If you are not satisfied with your present job, why continue? Work should be something you will find happiness in the fact that your best will shine. Take time to enjoy nature and appreciate the beauty around you. I appreciate the family that you are blessed. Most of all, be pleasant to everyone you meet.

Increase inner peace can be a difficult task, but it's worth getting in this difficult world we live in

"When you find peace in yourself, you become a person who can live in peace with others." Peace Pilgrim

Monday, April 11, 2011

Social Media Consultants - Your Top 4 Questions About Social Media Consultants Answered

If you are looking for answers to your questions about social media consultants, congratulations! You've found them.

Want to make more money for your company? Would you hire Twitter, Facebook or YouTube consultant? Of course! Rare-thinking business people as you know that every investment comes with questions.

Take a moment to read the answers to these common questions, and then use the on-line social option perfect for any hard-working business owner.

As a social media consultant actually do?

Social media consultants to manage their social profiles, to keep them clean, and make sure you get all your important messages. They keep them away from spam, to develop their networks, and later content over the web. They are the messengers of customer service and act as their public relations on the web.

In short, these professional consultants to make your Web 2.0 experience much more fun, relaxation, and profitable. We clear the way so that you can do fun stuff - interactions that create relationships and generate revenue for your business


When you hire the right consultant, you are investing in a large on-line presence, and it is time to take care of your business the way you like.

Is this all going to take time away from my priorities?

Absolutely not. When you bring in the right online marketing that will help you manage your profile, you ensure that your time is used wisely. Your professional guide will do all the tedious and lengthy task, so you can do things you enjoy most.

This is - what you can do as much or as little of those fun things as you wish. And - you get the benefit of continuously active account


This is the benefit? Traffic, interest and sales !!

The most important function of social media manager is to make these new marketing venues fun and easy way to get more customers and get more sales - without taking any of your valuable time


I need these services? Are my clients even on any of these pages?

Absolutely. Studies show that the fastest growing demographic on Facebook is people aged 50 and over. FACT: My grandmother is on Facebook now


is true: online social sites are becoming more and more an integral part of our culture. As more and more people join, there is a stronger and stronger the likelihood that you will find your customers on Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn.

The best thing about social media consulting services is that they can tell you which pages your customers are likely to frequent. In this way, they can spend the most time and optimizing the interaction in these profiles, saving you time and money.

How do these professionals learn how to speak like me, and say what I said?

a social media consultant will not post any unprofessional or inappropriate. They will decide, with his leadership, the answers are the best in which situations, you want to talk, and what you want to share with their networks.

Some high-end packages can include your social media manager for status updates or set up for you. In those cases, your manager will meet you and your company very well over time, and will then post it for you.

the beauty of social media consultants is that they can make these demanding tasks for you - so they want to do it right. Count on your professional manager to approve the matter with you before publication, and be the voice of your company in all interactive media interface.

is not so surprising to realize that a little investment could get a great online presence, more sales and more money? You will. investment in one of the few great social media consultants out there can move you to a phenomenal way.

Friday, April 8, 2011

How to Maximize Your Anti-Wrinkle Skin Care Regimen

Why settle for something mediocre when you can have a highly effective skin care regimen? I know there are many wrinkle creams out there. Would not you love to get our hands on one that can produce the best results?

for the first time to maximize its anti-wrinkle cream is to know how to use it properly. Only applications on your face will decrease. Our skin pores are small and creams that you use should not be too small enough to penetrate deep into the pores. Give her a little help applying the cream religiously.

Apply in a circular motion. Be gentle so as not to pull and tug your dermis. Concentrate on the affected areas more. This will help the cream really immerse themselves in your skin.

Of course, what is used should be useful. As said earlier, some creams have ingredients with the molecular structure is too large. This is the case for collagen ingredients. Collagen can not properly penetrate the skin and only because of our pay on the surface of the dermis.

must carefully choose the ingredients that your skin can better absorb. One good example is CynergyTK. This is synthetic collagen. It's kind of proteins that can penetrate the dermis and the lack of protein supplements in order to facilitate the renewal of collagen lacking. When we compare this process in any other beauty of the process out there, it was a tad more efficient.

The second ingredient is Nano Lipobelle HEQ10. It is less molecular structure than other antioxidants such as vitamin A and vitamin E. Since it is smaller, it can penetrate to the deepest part of the skin for more harmful free radicals in the fight against performance. In this way, you can really get rid of these skin what-nots.

herbal extracts are also beneficial because the ingredients do not irritate the skin. You can search Phytessence wakame. It is an exotic algae found in the sea in Japan. What makes this particular algae is its ability to protect themselves from hyaluronic acid, breaking the harmful effects of certain enzymes in our body. When hyaluronic acid is broken down, our skin loses its ability to regenerate collagen, because of lack of moisture and nutrients to hyaluronic acid can be given.

These three ingredients may increase your skin care regimen. So, do yourself a big favor and look for these ingredients. Use the product religiously and you should be on your way to looking younger.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Paraffin Oil and Skin Care

It is impossible to maintain good health in this time of the contaminated environment. Especially metro life is vulnerable in all respects. Almost all the newspapers in the morning are overwhelmed by the news and information for skin care and medication, but how many people are aware of the fact that almost all drugs and medicated oils for the base paraffin oil? It is a liquid that helps to maintain and revitalize our skin until our last breath. If we knew that the usefulness of this healthy oil, we could have had some home remedies. Paraffin oil is definitely a crucial role in the medical world.

Everybody knows a drug that makes our lives a living. But no one knows grandma's home remedy of paraffin oil. This greatly helps to treat many kinds of diseases. medication to the eyes like the eyes of ointment and moisturizers, and emollients were made ​​using purified paraffin oil. use of white oil in the skin not only makes your skin beautiful and younger looking you. leading brands Garnier, ponds and Ayur in India are made ​​with the use of liquid paraffin.

paraffin oil distilled from crude oil. It is at least three processes to go out with a purified form. Pharmaceutical companies are particularly extreme caution to collect the liquid for preparing medicines. people from the lab are more cautious regarding the cleanliness of the surroundings and dustless environment.

liquid paraffin was a boon for those people who are experiencing dry skin. It helps to exfoliate the human skin and make it younger looking. This is a great moisturizing properties. composition of this product contains paraffin oil, myristate, isopropyl and benzalkonium chloride having a capacity of antiseptic properties. These emollients make the skin supple, as benzalkonium chloride antiseptic properties help to destroy bacteria on the skin surface.

Moisturizing Bath Oil is also made ​​of paraffin oil and is extremely useful for the revival of smooth skin. This type of oil bath kept dermatitis and eczemas at bay. moisturizer and bath oil is used in case of dry skin.

Care should be taken while using the medication.

current medications should not be taken internally. One should be very careful when taking bath because it makes your feet and the floor is very slippery. People who are allergic to these drugs than paraffin oil should not use this feature. Pregnant women should not use this medicine with a prescription from a gynecologist. drugs of paraffin oil that has side effects, in the case of different people in different ways. Until now very rare number of complaints from the medical liquid paraffin were reported. But in the end the role of paraffin oil is inevitable. As a matter of fact, it is a boon for the world of modern medicine and allopaths, as well as plant.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Interview With Frances Shani Parker, Author of "Becoming Dead Right"

Today, Tyler R. Tichelaar Reader Views is an honor to speak with Frances Shani Parker, author of "Becoming Dead Right: Hospice Volunteer in Urban Nursing Homes", ISBN 9781932690354, reviewed by Debra Gaynor for Reader Views (05/07 ).

Frances Shani Parker is a writer, consultant, hospice volunteer, and former director who has won numerous awards and been published in everything from poetry anthologies, educational publications.

Tyler: Welcome, Frances. I'm glad you're here today. Obviously, you have strong writing and education, but his new book differs from your previous writings. For starters, what made ​​you first decide to be a hospice volunteer?

Frances: More than three years, I helped two male relatives who were living with AIDS. years after the first man died, I learned another man had AIDS. These people, who were close to each other, or me, were people in need of caregiving support. Since I have never been attracted to caring for sick people, I wondered why this situation came into my life. After talking with a friend who has enjoyed as a hospice volunteer, I realized that I was doing hospice work with two men. I decided to take classes to become a certified hospice volunteer, and I was one for nine years.

Tyler: What is the experience as a hospice volunteer led you to write "Becoming Dead Right "?

Frances: As I became more involved in the hospice in Detroit nursing homes, I found myself writing poetry and prose about my experiences. I shared these writings on poetry readings and noticed how many people are eager to discuss the terminally ill loved ones who have impacted their lives. Their need for more caregiver and grief support become apparent.

While investigating the death theme, I discovered that most books on the market does not include the perspectives of people of color or those dying in urban homes. I believe that one person can make a difference.

Knowing that there are millions of different baby boomers become senior citizens in need of end-of-life information for their elders and themselves, I decided to write a book that will serve as an inclusive guide to becoming literally dead right.

Tyler: It's interesting that he started to write poetry. Are your creative pieces included in "Becoming Dead Right" or have plans to release those parts separately?

Frances: I'm glad you asked. The book is Chapter Sixteen, literature, resources, and index. Each chapter concludes with an original song. I've been told that the songs add another dimension that enhances the storytelling, and general information. Each song rose from the passions inspired by particular people and situations.

Tyler: Can you define what is true for us, "hospice" employee or a volunteer? Is this the only volunteer in a nursing home, or to include home health care? How is it different from being an assistant nursing home?

Frances: hospice philosophy supports quality end of life care physically, emotionally, socially and spiritually. hospice volunteer is part of a team of people who provide hospice care for dying patients wherever they live. Families of patients are also supported. After I finished my training, I had the opportunity of volunteering with patients in private homes or nursing homes. I chose the latter.

nursing home aide, also referred to as a CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant), the wages of health workers who receive more extensive training in working with patients. In nursing homes, they provide direct, hands-on patient care.

Tyler: Your book's subtitle is "Hospice Volunteer in Urban Nursing Homes." Do you think there is a significant difference between urban and rural or small town more nursing homes? Would your book appeal to readers more familiar with small town nursing homes?

Frances: Healthcare and death are universally accepted themes, regardless of the setting in which they occur. Nursing homes, reflecting the uniqueness of their surroundings, but they all have the basic goals of health care to serve patients. Inclusive sharing of best practices was particularly useful. The beauty of geographical diversity, including internationally, is that different characteristics can serve as a useful learning resource for everyone. Along those same lines, and share a few scenarios on my death-related experiences of growing up in New Orleans, Louisiana.

Tyler: I've heard a lot of people say they hate the nursing homes, and there are even people who refuse to visit their families there, because it's too depressing. What would you say to such people?

Frances: Nursing homes are the products of a society that allows them to exist in their positive or negative terms. There are good nursing homes, but ignoring those who are not good only contributes to making them up. There is everything "culture change" movement to create person centered nursing homes who really focus on meeting the needs of users and staff members. This approach brings satisfaction and productivity by setting up a nursing home. In the last chapter of "Becoming Dead Right", a home care model is based on current best practice is described.

For those who avoid depressing nursing homes, I would say that the best way to help patients in these environments is committed to advocating for them personally or on a wider scale. Leave the patient in such a critical time in their lives that they continue to harass and contribute to the negative conditions.

Tyler: Frances, do you think are the greatest challenges facing nursing homes, hospice workers, financial or otherwise


Frances: Funding is fundamental to the existence of nursing homes and hospice programs. Medicare, Medicaid and insurance companies must reimburse the financial nursing homes and hospice programs to meet the realistic needs of patients.

diversity (racial, ethnic, gender, etc.) in the health care system must be eliminated. Overwhelming evidence indicates that these differences adversely affect the group. Health workers in all areas, including nursing homes, hospice programs, must take responsibility to change the unfair treatment. This is not just a health issue, but also moral.

is in progress, extended education on the benefits of hospice care is needed at the national level in all communities. the fundamental goal should be to achieve diversity at all levels of staff and patient care.

many homes that still reflect the traditional stereotypes of what institutional settings should not be implemented culture change that will promote harmony and efficiency for patients, caregivers, and staff workers.

Tyler: Of course, hospice workers have become attached to their patients, but it must be bitter attachment, knowing that ultimately their patients will die. What makes the experience rewarding?

Frances: Volunteers, especially those in nursing homes, find a range of experiences while serving hospice patients and their families. Some volunteers say that interaction helps them to become better people. Patients were also awarded a volunteer caregivers, who are only there to assist them in having a dignified death trip.

Tyler: Earlier you mentioned that you started in the hospice as a result of caring for two men who suffer from AIDS. Did you find certain cases, such as people dying of old age, or AIDS, or cancer, difficult, interesting, or rewarding than others?

Frances: Although their disease vary, patients, and not their disease, are what make an interesting and rewarding. time I spend with patients is also a factor in how well I know and interact with them on a deeper level. I have had patients who died before I met them, or before my second visit. On the other hand, I have had patients who have lived as long as three years.

Tyler: One of the things hard, I know, from my experience is the inability to know what to say when you go to visit someone in a nursing home, and at the same time, a sense that time is precious, because loved ones can not be long live. What advice would you give to talk to nursing home patients?

Frances: Taking cues from patients, visitors should use good common sense. Whether patients can speak or not, they are usually glad to have company. Analysis of physical appearance, body language, words and room conditions, can reveal much about what patients need to improve their comfort levels.

Visitors should talk with patients as they would talk to anyone else, even if the patient can not respond. Include patients in conversations when others are present. Encourage patients to speak for themselves, when they can. Visitors should be aware of what they say when they think that patients are asleep or in a coma. Patients may still be able to hear them.

Tyler: With people living longer and baby boomer generation grows older now, what do you think will be the future of hospice


Frances: Baby boomers, those born from 1946-1964, can play an important role as advocates for improving health care and elderly nursing home reform. the future will be expanded to include hospice medical treatment with the natural development of health services for all patients who are terminally ill. Patients would not have to wait until the official physician determines in writing that the six months to live before they can receive hospice care.

Palliative care approach for the treatment of incurable diseases, it can give no matter how long the patient is expected to live, and while doctors are still searching for a cure. Relieving pain and other symptoms, palliative care hospice philosophy extends to the larger population that can be used earlier in the disease process. Ideally, it should precede all hospice care.

Tyler: What would you recommend people do to get started, if you are interested in professional hospice workers


Frances: If people already know that the attraction of the hospice services to patients, I would suggest that this interest to the next level and speak to someone knowledgeable, or take a Hospice volunteer training class. This will give them a better understanding of what their friendship and commitment to service would mean. Some volunteers focus on bringing pet therapy visits to patients. Others do office work, fundraising and various activities that support the hospice operations.

Tyler: Frances, before we close, do you have any last comments you would like to discuss the importance of hospice care


Frances: After a dignified death trip is right we all deserve. the odds of that happening are significantly increased when the end of life experiences are wrapped in a philosophy that supports the dying and their families with high-quality care.

Tyler: Thank you so much, Frances, for joining me today. Before we go, please let our readers know where you can get a copy of "Becoming Dead Right: Hospice Volunteer in Urban Nursing Homes "?

Frances: Thank you for having me, Tyler. The book can be ordered online at, ordered from other libraries, and find a local independent mind / body / spirit book stores. Reviews, excerpts, and other information about the book can be found on my web page.

Using the Pun in the Pulpit


Hanging is too good for a man who makes puns, he should be drawn and quoted. - Fred Allen

There are many different puns in the English language. pun using play-on-word techniques. Humor puns are made ​​with an acoustic knot. She uses the word or phrase with two different meanings and interpretations. pun works because English language is so ambiguous. Most puns will never be used, but to give you a feel for the pun, we'll look at some of the more unusual ones.

SPOONERISM: reversal of letters in a sentence. It is named after Rev. WA Spooner (1844-1930) who was a prominent Anglican priest who accidentally replaced the initial sounds.

"Is kisomary to cuss the bride?"
"See that man, he Dain bramaged ."

farmer builds her house completely out of Kentucky bluegrass, and uses the second and third floors for its impressive collection of chair of the Kings, purchased from the kingdom throughout the world. chairs are all decorated and everything nice, a farmer spends much of his time taking great care of them.

One day, the farmer decides it is time to fertilize bluegrass that make up the structure of the house, and he is moving all their precious seats in the attic. He carefully spread fertilizer on the third floor, and then run it. Satisfied, he goes to another floor and repeats the process. He fertilizes the family quarters on the first floor, and finally going down to the basement to finish their job.

While he was down there, there was a huge shake. weight of the chair is too much for the attic floorboards and chairs come crashing down. They fall through the third, second and first floor, and crush the poor peasants to death. The moral of the story: People in grass houses should not stow thrones. (If you have to say after a joke, "Forgive me for that one." You probably should not use .)

SWIFTIES TOM: It was made ​​famous by Tom Quick books. Here comes the pun is used as an adverb. This is humor used in a fictional character for a series of children's books written by Edward L. Stratemeyer. "Let's go to McDonald's,"said Tom archly. "I know who turned off the lights," Tom hinted darkly.

MALAPROPISMS: Using a word that sounds like a real word, but it is not. Think about all the Saturday Night Live "show, where President Bush is imitated. There are a few others. But these puns are what gives a bad name puns. What gives a bad name puns are called type III full.

pun is the lowest from of wit, especially if it is not to say that first. - Oscar Levant

Pun type III, where the puns are words that sound reminiscent of using inaccurate. These words are distorted. For example,

Be careful. After all, the world needs more lerts.
early winter is Novemberrr.

Two men were shipwrecked on the island. After weeks without food, one man said: "Why are we starving? We're going to let the bacon tree and get some bacon." Another said: "There is no such thing as a bacon tree." "There is too much bacon tree, " said the first man. He continued to March over to the other side of the island. After several hours he returned with his body full of arrows. "You were right, " he said to his friend gasped. "It was not a bacon tree. It is a ham bush ."

I doubt that will ever use that joke in his sermon, but is smart enough to be told in a social setting. Problem with full III is used when words are too vague, silly or stupid. For example: My neighbor is a doctor and he has a garden of my house. I call it the shipyard. These are just some of the many kinds of puns out there. However stupid they meet the definition of game-on-words.

Vague vs. Ambiguous

before we talked about the kind of puns that can be used for preaching, we must make a distinction between the words are vague and ambiguous


Uncertainty is defined as not clearly defined and ambiguously defined as an expression of more than one interpretation. Puns considered a two-ambiguous or have two different interpretations. All puns are and must therefore be made ​​carefully. Ambiguity is the confusion and poor communication. When using puns, do not be vague. It will not get a laugh. puns that can be used effectively in a sermon called Pun type I and type II Pun. They are funnier because they are more realistic.

Pun Type I and Type II Full

Enter a
Invisible pun. Homographic puns: the use of multiple meanings from a spell.
Two types
The sound the same, but do not look alike.
Homophonic puns: the use of similar sounds with different spellings


Enter one example

daydreaming student wants to leave school to work in a factory making frozen orange juice. He got the job because he could not concentrate. number of Americans who are overweight has reached nearly ninety million. Of course, this is the rounding.

type two examples

glassblower inhaled and got a pane in the stomach. As Noah noted ungrammatically while the animals boarding the ark "Now I herd everything!" Then there is Paul. He can not really handle things. Paul would be a bust, we would literally have to carry him home. I know. I was one of his regular Paul (Pall) holders.

inveterate jokester following conversation as the shark follows the ship. - Stephen Leacock

Create puns I and Type II

Step one: find the topic you want to use. This could be your sermon topic or current event.
Step Two: Make a list of keywords related to your topic (a list).
Step three: Take a word list and circle any that can be interpreted in more ways than one.
Step Four: Be creative and start to associate words with ideas.
Step Five: Put these words in a sentence clear. You could also make a story out punned words, but if you are good at writing stories, I recommend that you stay with the one-liner. She gets a laugh as loud as anecdotal.

In this example, the sermon topic is used to "Christians can not withdraw ."

Step One: write the sermon topic by using the retirement and that we as Christians will never retire. In the same week, Brett Favre was coming from his NFL retirement.
Step two: I came up with a long list of words and retired NFL word.
Step Three: I came up with the words "never retire" and "pass away."
Step four-five I finally came up with a full I:

Old quarterbacks never retire, they just go ... unless Brett Farve.

Using the same method I came up with a pun II:

I do not care if Brett Favre comes out of retirement. In my opinion he is the best quarterback until he shows me otherwise. He is still the "King of the Throne" (Thrown.) The key to this method is that with a large list and be creative enough to put those words together into meaningful sentences. It helps to invest in a good book homonym.

is a pun gun discharged into the ear. - Charles Lamb

punning is sometimes an ambiguous word, but it is a twist on common phrases or cliche. There are two general types - Reform of the phrase, and Take-Off expression


reform Phrases such as

You can take a standard phrase, cliche or idiom, and to modify the comic effect. For example:

I'm as pure as the driven slush.
Every crowd has a silver lining.
Most women today have a keen sense of rumor.

Take-Off as

Take-off is another way to use the standard expression for comic effect, but instead of changing the phrase, you take the phrase and add a ridiculous conclusion.

For example:

Who said money can not buy happiness did not know where to shop.
To get back on your feet, miss two car payments.
If you drink, do not drive. Do not even putt.

Create Reform phrases and Take-Off

Step one: find the topic you want to use. This could be your sermon topic or current event.
Step two: full list of standard phrases on your topic. (get some good books on quotations, and clichés.)
Step three: Take a phrase and begin to creatively reform.
Step four: Take a phrase and the start-creative take-off to them.
Step Five: Choose the best for your sermons


Examples (below) to reform and departure from the themes of sin and injustice:

reform: Two wrongs can make a rebellion.
Take-off: Two wrongs do not make a right, but three will get you back on the highway


It helps to invest in a couple of books, jokes and quotes / cliche book. This will make your life easier when looking for funny lines.

the nation whose people are going in for puns is at a high level of culture. - Mr. C. Lichtenberg

Now you have four kinds of good puns that can be used in the pulpit. Two words are puns, and puns are the two phrases. It's more than enough material for a pun using successfully in the pulpit.


This exercise will help you to distinguish four types of puns. I Print to a pun I, II and II listing for the pun. R Place for reform, and T to take off. Answers are below.

____ bicycle can not stand alone because it is two tired.
____Every calendar's days are numbered.
____Those who jump off a bridge in Paris are in Seine.
____ Freudian slip is when you say one thing but mean your mother.
____ hangover is the wrath of grapes.
____When my wife first saw a strand of gray hair, she thought that the colors!
____It is I'm in when two egotists meet.
____ to know the baker who was hired by a rogue.
____Animals be our friend, but they will pick you up at the airport.
____One thing about free advice, it is usually worth it.


1 II 6 II
2nd I 7th T
3rd II 8th I
4th R ninth T
5th R 10.T

This guide would not be complete without a discussion of related jokes.

Jokes Connection

joke relationship is also called cross-over joke. It works because it makes the association. ties joke has a different stance on the word and can be considered as a pun. What is the best cross-over joke is that it is very easy to move and make new jokes from the old.

"I'm worried about my son's health."
"What's he got?"
"motorcycle ."

When you think "he is concerned about son's health, " I think some kind of disease. However, you can learn that "it is concerned that his son's motorcycle. His nose is like an interesting book ... it was red until the very end. connection for the pun of red (color) Reading (reading.) Now, let's use switching method to create new jokes in the first example, consider a set-up and punch line and turn it on.

"I'm worried about my son."
His friend asked: "Why?"
"Because he changed his major to political science."
"Being just bought a suit made ​​of polyester 70 ."

The idea is to take his son to worry about their health and turn it to be concerned about his son's schooling or the son of a clothing style.

In another example, you can easily switch set-up: His nose is like (the Bible, Reader's Digest) ... red to the very end. Or you can switch lines blow: his nose is like a book ... 9 inches wide. His nose is like a book ... thick with black markings on it. Or change both the set-up and punch line: his nose looked like he fell from a ladder ... It is black and blue. The trick is to change the book for the literature and change color to red.

When you change the keywords for something more generic, you will be able to make new jokes. You will be using what professional comedians call a "crossing-over." It is a good technique, and it will become easy to do with practice. the pun is mightier than the sword.


After you apply this technique, a pun in a sermon, you will come to realize that puns are the lowest form of humor. They will become a good source of humor. Here are puns that are covered:

I am full of invisible or pun.
Pun II or sound alike's.
Cross-over or switching technique
Made Jokes

On a final note, it is highly recommended that you buy a good dictionary, the cliché of the book and read a book. When you start using a pun in the pulpit, you will find that you really punny person. (pun intended .)

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